Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#GeorgePawty Menu and Thank you George & Robyn

Tuesday, February, 19th 2013
RSVP here: http://twtvite.com/GeorgePawty

Noms & Drinks for #GeorgePawty
Cristal Beer

Emerald Niptini
Check out the Anxiety & Stress Relief Bracelet
from Robyn's shop.

Krystal Hamburger

Sushi Platter
Check out the awesome healing crystals.

Seaweed Spicy Tuna Roll

Worm Pops

And learn about Crystal Meanings of all sorts of crystals and stones  by Robyn.

Worm & Mud Pudding
Thank George & Robyn for all the help they give the anipal community with a donation here

Smartphone donation link is HERE.

Petco and Petsmart gift cards help with cat supplies, too.

Or shop Robyn's handmade jewelry and crystals's shop and tell others about it. Every bit of good word abouth er work helps too!