Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful this week for the kindness of pals! @twittinsuki of Sukiroo Cat Toys sent me this very cool wristlet. #NipClub is printed on the inside of the purse to commemorate our 3rd year anniversary!

Not thankful that blogger won't let me load this picture the proper way

It is the perfect size to slip my keys, phone and a few dollars in and go!

Pop over to Sukiroo's store for great cat toys, leather pet jackets and a cool wristlet for yourself!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

How to Save a Life

I have felt for awhile I needed to write down a little more detail about how GDX saved Frodo. There are a lot of people with very good intentions that write on a shelter pet's networking threads "if you can get me the dog, I will take care of it". Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. So to help explain how to save a shelter pet located far away from you, I thought it best to explain the How To's of saving a life.

Option One ~ Rescue to Rescue transport
You have to be an approved adopter or foster for a local rescue, we will call them Rescue A. Your local rescue contacts a rescue in the area that the shelter pet is located, we will call them Rescue B. Rescue B needs to have pull rights at the shelter where the pet you want to save is located. They have to be willing to take responsibility of getting whatever health certs the transport group requires. Rescue A has to be willing to accept responsibility of the pet and fulfill any requirements made by the shelter, i.e. microchip, spay/neuter, and rabies vaccinations. Once you have accomplished getting Rescue A and Rescue B to agree to this transfer, you will need to fill out applications for transport groups. Some of the bigger rescues have transport contacts and can help you navigate the process.

How do you become an approved adopter or foster with a local rescue? Most have an online application to complete and then a home check is required. Why a home check? For the safety of the animal. You could be a hoarder, a backyard breeder, or worse a dog fighting group. Yes, there are people that commit fraud in the name of rescue every minute of the day. It is a shame, but it is reality and the only important thing is the safety of the animal.

FB rescue group listings:

Option Two ~ Underground transport
This is a dangerous option for a number of reasons. You are trusting a chain of people to handle an animal that might not be qualified to even drive a car. But there are success stories by the underground. Frodo is one such story. I saw him on our GDX newsfeed and crossposted him. Once we crosspost a dog, we follow up on them to update our followers on progress of safe, still in need and escalated to urgent. Frodo was listed as a 10 year old dachshund. Seniors aren't very lucky in the shelter system. Just like cars and clothes, people want the latest model, but that is another blog post. I decided after Frodo became urgent due to the shelter hitting capacity that I was going to do whatever I could to save him. Our team started posting for help, contacting local rescues, emailing every friend that might help. We didn't sleep, we didn't eat, our paying jobs suffered, but for two solid days we worked our collective tails off to find someone to pull or adopt Frodo and get him on a transport. A friend of a friend happened to live in Killeen and was willing to "adopt" Frodo. She took the full responsibility of the adoption contract. If I had failed to met the requirements, she could have been arrested for not complying with the adoption contract. A lady that followed the GDX page appeared offering to help drive Frodo from Killeen to Dallas. Frodo had a ride with another friend of a friend from Dallas all the way to Pensacola, FL. I drove from Jacksonville, FL to Pensacola to pick him up and bring him back to my home.

Even though it was all very successful, there are so many things that could have gone wrong. This is why most people, rescues, and shelters will not use the underground. The safety of the animal cannot be assured on the underground.

To sum it up, I didn't post on Frodo's networking thread "if you can get me the dog, I'll take care of him". I utilized contacts I have made through work on other animal saving projects. I did get in my own car and drive 300 of the 1,100 miles that Frodo traveled and drove 300 miles back home. I did spend money for gas, adoption fees, getting him to the vet and buying lots of food for a very skinny old man. I still have moments when I feel the anxiety of the risk I took to pull off an underground rescue. I can't help people I don't know pull off an underground rescue for one simple fact, I can't ensure the safety of the animal. I can however help you find rescue resources that can help you with a rescue to rescue transport.

FRODO UPDATE: He is officially mine after I completed all the adoption requirements and sent in his paperwork. His dental surgery was last Thursday. He barely looks like a senior anymore. He runs with the younger dogs and eats his weight in food daily. I'm still collecting to offset the surgery and any amount is appreciated!
Donate here:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday

So much to be thankful for today my heart overflows!

First, we had a great #FrodoPawty last night to kick off #SeniorPetsRock, a new Twitter chat to raise awareness of senior pets in shelters and trade tips on helping our seniors! Thank you to @Pet360, @PankythePanfur, @GreyMuzzleOrg and @ShaynaCat for helping to moderate!

I definitely recommend everyone with a pet head over to Pet360 and join the community! It is free and very useful! They even have breed specific groups you can join and of course a senior forum.

Secondly, I'm very thankful for everyone that has sent Frodo gifts, donated to his dental surgery fund and all the good thoughts and prayers for his surgery today.

Frodo awake and alert ready for his big day!

The fundraiser for his dental fund runs thru the end of today. Please help if you can, every bit helps

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, April 1, 2013

#FrodoPawty on Wednesday 4/3/13

Thanks to @autumnthedoxie's mummy for doing this collage!
This Wednesday, April 3rd, we are having a #FrodoPawty to celebrate our senior pets and exchange tips on ways to help them enjoy their golden years! Also, we would like to raise awareness of how many senior pets are dumped at shelters for newer versions. 

8pm-Midnight EDT! Come in your fur and white faces are definitely expected!! 

A few new photos of Frodo's progress
Enjoying the warm Florida sun

New bed pads on that great bed at Grandma's
Wonder when she is gonna quit taking my picture everyday? 
If you has a few dollars to help with my dental surgery, you can put it here: Frodo no more bad teeth fund

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Senior Sunday

Week 3 update on Frodo! Side by side comparison. 

He has dental surgery this Thursday and I'm having a #FrodoPawty this Wednesday to help with the cost. 

Donations much appreciated here:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Blogging for Frodo

Thanks to the GDX girls and Chilly Paws for my snuggle sack
I've been a part of the anipal community for 4 years this coming August. The best part, aside from the friendships I've made, is how we are all invested in helping animals. Recently, some of the friends I connected with over a shared love of the dachshund breed created a team, Global Doxie Crossposting, to try to save as many death row dachshunds as possible. We all have various backgrounds, but two common denominators, a love of dachshunds and social media. You can Like us on FaceBook, follow us on TwitterPin with usread about some of our efforts on Blogger.

On March 3, a week into our GDX adventure, Frodo appeared on our newsfeed. We shared him, but there was something so disturbing about this picture. I saw a little guy that still had life, but was never going to be picked because he was frail and had a white face.

Then the scary news came on March 6 that the shelter had hit capacity and his status became URGENT. I decided if it was humanly possible, Frodo was coming to spend his retirement with me. The few days that followed are a blur of phone calls, emails, prayers, crying, joy, fear and finally a text from the lady that "adopted" him that Frodo was OUT! He had a quick bath and was handed off to another lady to drive him from Killeen, Tx to Dallas, Tx where as luck would have it a family was coming to the Florida Panhandle on vacation and offered him a ride. They affectionately call him hitchhiker LOL! On Saturday morning March 9, I loaded up Snoop & GG and we headed 5 hours west to meet Frodo. Thank you De & Skye for putting us up for the night and feeding us!

Frodo's FB thread is here if you want a glimpse into what it is like pulling an urgent animal, figuring out transport and hearing that the animal is SAFE! Frodo's FB thread

We have been to the vet and Frodo is HW negative and his bloodwork was good, but like a lot of senior doggies, he has bad teeth. A friend sent Frodo a case of high protein doggie food and he has been eating like there is no tomorrow. He can now walk very well and even trot. Fetch is his favorite game!

If you have a few dollars to spare, we would appreciate some help with his upcoming dental surgery.
Frodo, a senior dachshund, needs dental work! by Georgia Manley or save the fundraising platform and send via PayPal georgia_manley AT yahoo DOT com.

Please enjoy some pictures and videos of Frodo's transformation!

Frodo at Killeen, TX Animal Shelter
Frodo meeting Jackson on his freedom ride!
Week 1 you can't count my ribs anymore!
I've quickly learned the best place at Grandma's is next to her cooking stool! Thanks GG for the tail wag photo bomb!
The second best place at Grandma's is the deluxe doggie bed!

My runny eyes and sneezing were from a sinus infection due to my bad teeth, but that is getting better on antibitiocs!

Here are a couple YouTube videos of me enjoying my yard!

Thank you for your time and if you would like additional details or vet receipts, quotes or to make a donation directly to the vet, please email me at georgia_manley AT yahoo DOT com!